I often get questions about how I stay in shape while I travel. I will write a few tips and ideas from what I have learned during my years of traveling abroad and domestically.

I love to workout with gym equipment, but I don’t really enjoy working out with strangers in the room. I don’t know why, but it is something I don’t care for. Still, when I can find a gym, I will usually workout there for some time.

Do You Need Equipment To Stay Fit?

But guess what, what if I told you that you didn’t need a gym in order to workout and stay fit? Well, it’s true! All you need is your body for strength training and I personally prefer to have a jump rope to maintain my cardio endurance.

This is one of the jump ropes I use, pictured below. It’s great for jumping and can even be used for self defense; it hurts like hell if you’re jumping really fast and it slaps you in the back of the head. If you want to have a good jump rope for travel, this thing will last for awhile!

** Click the photo to see the product

WOD Speed Rope

This one here (pictured below) is another speed rope I have used for years, but from recent reviews the build quality may not be the same. I like this one too, but I bought mine a long time ago and it still works!

Speed Rope

How Does One Workout Without A Gym?

You can do so many exercises without any equipment at all. I’m a fan of: sit ups, push ups, squats, high knees, planks, bicycle crunches, leg raises, and anything and everything in between that can help me stay fit and healthy. I will include a link to a picture that is similar to one I looked up on Google the first time I had no gym access years ago. It was a frightening experience until I found a PNG online. Quite a story, I know.

Body Weight Exercises

Just Pick Up A Rock

You know another thing I like to do when I travel? I enjoy picking up heavy things. If you see a heavy rock, you can pick it up and carry it around for awhile for strength training. Be sure to check the rock for any arachnids, insects, or animals before you do this. You can also use a sturdy tree limb for pull ups, but be sure to test the weight before you try.


Diet is VERY important. Back during my university days I won many bets by out-drinking people. I credit my extreme alcohol intolerance to my Eastern European heritage, but I not longer indulge in alcohol. I have never been drunk either, as much as that surprises people. For health reasons, I no longer drink alcohol because it is something that can weaken you.

I eat a balance of meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains. Some of the foods I include in my diet with some variation include: eggs, chicken, salmon, avocados, rice, homemade bread, tomatoes, onions, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, oranges, limes, papaya, pineapple, green beans, cauliflower, and there are probably others I am forgetting.

From my list of foods, you can probably see that my diet would be pretty boring for a lot of people. I also cook a lot of my own meals as I travel, and I know that would bummer out many others as well. You really are what you eat, though, and you should eat as healthy as possible. This will help you stay in shape as you travel and it will give you the energy to exercise too.


I will update this post as more ideas come to mind, but I hope that I have at least made the point clear that you need not fear breaking your fitness regime when you travel. You may have to adjust the methods you use to stay fit, but you can most certainly stay fit while traveling anywhere in the world.