Pasion de Gavilanes – Casa De Elizondo

While visiting Bogota, I decided to take a look at the villa where Pasion de Gavilanes was filmed. Upon visiting I was greeted by the very friendly staff and I was allowed to take photos of the place as well.

For those who don’t know, Pasion de Gavilanes was a very famous and successful telenovela in Latin America.

Here you will see some additional photos of the Elizondo house. I even took photos of the famous statue that was situated in many shots. He’s an angry looking guy with a potbelly.

You may recognize these next shots from when the grandfather was locked in a storage room on the property.

Here is Norma’s balcony.

This is the left side of the Elizondo house.

Otro Edificios

You can see Norma standing in front of this building during the intro of the show.

Lugares Invisibles en La Programa de Television

Here are some shots of the left side of the Elizondo house. Back here, there is a balcony and a small walkway with tiles. There are some bathrooms back here too!

Pasion de Gavilanes Casa
Pasion de Gavilanes Casa

There are the entrances to the bathrooms.

Pasion de Gavilanes Casa

Have you ever wondered what the back of the Elizondo house looks like? Here it is. This is the back left corner of the house.

Pasion de Gavilanes Casa
Pasion de Gavilanes Casa

This is looking forward from the front-right corner of the Elizondo house. These are some smaller buildings that run along the edge of the property.

Pasion de Gavilanes

This is the front driveway of the Elizondo house. So many things happened here, right? Like the scene linked below. Poor Armando, the woman he desired was in love with another man.

Pasion de Gavilanes Casa

There was an event going on during the day I was there. This is the rodeo that featured in the introduction and throughout parts of the show.

Pasion de Gavilanes
Pasion de Gavilanes


Here is the church where Franco married Sarita and Juan married Norma (finally!).

Pasion de Gavilanes Iglesia
Pasion de Gavilanes Iglesia
Pasion de Gavilanes Iglesia

This shot is what you see when you walk outside of the church.

Pasion de Gavilanes Iglesia

Adentro Real

The inside of the Elizondo house is not what it looks like on the show. However, you may recognize these places from other scenes that were done during the show.

Pasion de Gavilanes Casa
Pasion de Gavilanes Casa
Pasion de Gavilanes Casa


I hope you enjoyed the photos from my visit to El Portico. I would like to thank the staff for allowing me to take these photos and to see all of these places. If you need to get your Pasion de Gavilanes fix, I have included a link below where you can buy the entire series on DVD!

Pasion de Gavilanes DVD